About changeinwashington
Changeinwashington.com is my daily blog. I created the site two days after Mr. Trump won the 2016 Presidential Election. As President of the United States, Donald Trump will change not simply Washington, but America, and indeed the world. I can’t really say what motivated such an endeavor. Prior to November 10, 2016, I had neither blogged nor ever written a letter to a President or President-Elect of the United States. Now I do each, daily. I have committed to a daily letter until January, 20, 2017–the day Mr. Trump is inaugurated as the United States’ 45th President.
My daily letters do not seek to influence one side or the other of policy debates. Rather, my letters seek to influence President-Elect Trump, and anyone else reading, to pursue a higher course of leadership and conduct than we have previously seen in our previously elected leaders, in Mr. Trump, and also in ourselves generally. We all can do better and be better.
Changeinwashington.com is my effort to do so.