Dear President-Elect Trump:
Soon you will be our forty-fifth president. My November 20th, 2016 letter quoted our second president—John Adams. That letter spoke about the need to forget yourself and to focus your energies on American problems, not your critics. In that letter, I quoted John Adams’ statement when he said that humility, patience, and moderation are “the great political virtues, without which every man in power becomes a ravenous beast of prey.”
Today, I also quote our first President, George Washington. He said this: “Observe good faith and justice toward all . . . . Cultivate peace and harmony with all.” He was speaking specifically about relationships with other nations. However, the same principle applies to relationships with fellow citizens.
The virtues both taught and espoused by Washington and Adams are among the virtues that made America possible.
On the other hand, you have said: “When someone hurts you . . . go after them as viciously and violently as you can.” This principle is no virtue and will lead to our collective ruin.
I’m troubled today by two of your actions over the last few days and wish to address them briefly.
First, are the phone calls you made last week to Ohio Delegates of the Ohio Republican State Convention actively trying to oust a political opponent of your presidential race.
Certainly, it is your right, as it is any American’s, to campaign for whomever, in whatever race. But you are not just any American. You are our leader-elect. In twelve days, you’ll be our president. It is difficult to imagine any reason beyond pure revenge why you would take the time to make phone calls in a state party race.
Second, is your response to Meryl Streep’s letter, read at last night’s Golden Globes. Clearly, her message was critical of you.
And you responded: “Meryl Streep, one of the most over-rated actresses in Hollywood, doesn’t know me but attacked me last night at the Golden Globes. She is a Hillary flunky who lost big.”
If you wanted to defend yourself, or clarify your position in contrast to her words, fine. But why attack her acting ability? Why denigrate her choice in the last presidential election?
You can be better than that. You need to be better than that. Rise above petty skirmishes and below the belt insults.
Leave all of that behind you.
Yours truly,
David O. Leavitt