I told you in my first letter that I laughed at your candidacy announcement. Most of America laughed. It just seemed so out of place. First, you’ve never run for anything. Second, you were the guy that entertained on reality tv. How seriously could we take you? Third, you are one of the wealthiest persons in the world. Why run? It seemed so out of place–like Michael Jordan playing baseball instead of basketball.
The nation is devoid of political laughter now.
You dazzled us in the primaries—systematically dismantling sixteen establishment candidates with $771.8M in collective campaign funds. You did so with a war chest of insults, outrageous statements, and $60M. One Republican candidate left standing: You.
Then came Hillary with the full weight of the Democratic establishment and $1.3Bn. Normally, we could have expected a fair fight—Varsity Republicans vs. Varsity Democrats. Turned out that it was Varsity Democrats vs. Donald Trump. The Varsity Republicans took their things and went home.
We all knew the outcome—everyone of us. We mostly watched for sport—like watching The Washington Generals vs. the Harlem Globetrotters. We all know who’s going to win. It’s just entertaining. Hillary vs. Donald was no different.
Then came the 360 degree, back-handed, through-your-legs slam dunk. The world sat in stunned silence. Maybe the Generals can beat the Globetrotters, because Donald just beat Hillary, dismembering the Democratic party in the process.
That was then. This is now.
You stunned us with your incredible ability to play checkers.
Now you must play chess.
Different game. Different rules.
Can you stun us again?
Some of us hope so.
Most of us don’t think so.
I know you can. I’m just not sure you will.
Tomorrow, I’ll begin laying out the higher rules of chess, as I see them. The rules that are so hard that most will never use them. The rules, that if you have the courage and strength to follow them, will give you the power to stun us all anew.
David O. Leavitt